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With the aim of developing the art of photography, supporting talented young people and artists, playing the role of social responsibility in the field of supporting culture and art, as well as introducing the capacities of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone, the public relations management of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone, organizes the first Pars International Photo Award 2023.
PARS INTERNATIONAL PHOTO AWARD 2023 is with the patronage of the Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique (FIAP), 2023/261. Acceptances obtained in this salon will be taken into account for FIAP Distinctions.
This exhibition is free. No need to pay entry fee!
Exhibition Chairman: Dr. Reza MIR MEHRABI, P. O. Box: 16315/544, Tehran, IRAN
Chair email: ParsAward@gmail.com
Rules & Submission: www.ParsAward.ir
Image Size: Photos must be in JPEG, RGB file format, maximum 2 MB.
Maximum Dimensions: 1920 pix. Horizontal side and 1080 pix. Vertical side.
PDF CATALOGUE & Certificate of Acceptance/Award is downloadable from “My Result” Page of the site.
The Salon will consist of 6 sections, all digital:
- Oil Industry
- Family
- Environment and Travel
Each entrant may submit a maximum of 4 images in each of the 3 sections.
All entries shall conform to these definitions.
Oil Industry Section Definition: Any photos that depict the petroleum industry, including oil, gas and petroleum products, in general and their applications in everyday life. For example: photos can show oil, gas, petrochemical facilities, the activities of employees in facilities, facilities and the environment, all stages of production, distribution and use of petroleum products. Examples of petroleum products can include fossil fuels, industrial oils, diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, LPG, lubricants, paraffin, bitumen, asphalt, petroleum coke, sulfur, wax, grease, agricultural chemical fertilizers, pesticides and Insecticides, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, nylon, plastic, perfumes, dyes, detergents, etc.
Family Section Definition: Show us the family in any situation, such as daily life, celebrations, gatherings, ceremonies of joy or sorrow or sympathy, relationships between people in the family, doing sports, playing and having fun, picnics, etc.
Environment and Travel Section Definition: The photo can represent the environment or represent any photo travel, or any type of tourist attraction, including nature, wildlife, environmental protection, tourist places, architectural photos, ritual, ethnic and national ceremonies, handicrafts, cultural heritage, etc.
A Photo Travel is a picture of the real world we live in, as it is found naturally. There are no geographical restrictions.
- Closing date: 20 March 2023
- All judging completed by 19 April 2023
- Notifications sent by 20 May 2023
- Awards mailed by 20 July 2023
- On-Line Gallery posted by 20 June 2023
- Catalogs posted by 20 July 2023
- Public Showings of Projected Images by 20 July 2023
(All Sections)

- Mohamad Reza CHAIFOROOSH, Iran
Totally $1500 cash Prizes
Best Author Award: $200+ FIAP light Blue Badge
Best Persian Author Award: $100 + Exhibition Trophy
Best Author Award will be given to the participant who has achieved the highest number of total acceptances of all 3 sections of the exhibition.
Awards in the Oil Industry Section:
1st award: FIAP Gold Medal + $300
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + $200
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy + $100
2 FIAP Ribbon
Awards in the Family Section:
1st award: FIAP Gold Medal + $200
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + $100
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy
2 FIAP Ribbon
Awards in the Environment and Travel Section:
1st award: FIAP Gold Medal + $200
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + $100
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy
2 FIAP Ribbon
IMAGE AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS This exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the Sponsor or the Exhibition Organizers, in their reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and these Conditions of Entry. Membership in any photographic organization is not required.
Nudity: Due to social sensitivities, images containing nudes will not be accepted into this salon.
Penalties: Entries will not be accepted from any entrant who has put on the FIAP Penalties List for Ethics Violation. Entry fees are not refundable in these circumstances.
Image Creation: Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally.
Certification: By virtue of submitting an image, the entrant certifies the work as his or her own. Images may not incorporate elements produced by anyone else (for example: clip art, images or art by others downloaded from the Internet). Aliases are not allowed.
Reproduction: The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website.
Alteration and Computer Generation: Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the entrant; adjustments to enhance images or creatively modify images are allowed providing the underlying photograph is retained in a way that is obvious to the viewer. Images may not be constructed entirely with a computer, and must be the sole work of the entrant.
Entry: An Entry consists of, up to and including, four (4) images entered by a single entrant into the same Section. An entrant may only enter a specific Section once. Entrants may not enter identical or similar images into the same section or different sections of the same exhibition.
Titles: Each image must have a unique title that is a description of the image. That unique title must be used for entry of that image or of an identical Image into any and all FIAP-Recognized exhibitions. Titles must be 35 characters or fewer. No titles may be visible to the judges, and nothing in the image may identify the entrant. Titles may not include file extensions such as .jpg or .jpeg (or any other camera capture filenames such as IMG 471). Titles may not consist of personal identifiers possibly augmented by a number; or include words such as “untitled” or “no title”. Titles may not consist solely of numbers unless those numbers are prominently contained within the image, such as a contestant number in a race.
Color and Monochrome: Color and Monochrome images from the same capture that share substantial pictorial content in common will be considered the same image and must be given the same title.
Notification of results will be sent by email. Entrants should ensure that they provide an active email address and that spam filters are set to accept emails from Result@Salon.Photo. Notifications will not be sent by post. Also you may download a PDF certificate of acceptance/award and an Excel file of your results from your account. Just login to your account and go to "My Results" page on the left menu. There is an available option to resend your report card to your email by yourself, too.
Submission of works:
Rules & Submission: www.ParsAward.ir
Image Size: Photos must be in JPEG, RGB file format, maximum 2 MB.
Maximum Dimensions: 1920 pix. Horizontal side and 1080 pix. Vertical side.
High Quality File: As we will be printing a representative selection of the accepted images to a size of 50x70 cm or larger to exhibit, participants who have had their photos selected to be printed must, upon request, submit via the web site a High Definition file with at least 4000 pixels in the greatest dimension or the biggest size captured by their camera. It is responsibility of the author to control if the submitted photo has enough quality to print in 50X70 cm for the print exhibition. Photos that have not such quality may receive only acceptances, not award. The exhibition organizers reserve the right to delete the entry from the exhibition and void acceptance or award in connection with the exhibition if the author in anyway refuse to submit high quality file for print exhibition.
Images and a completed entry form must be submitted on line using the exhibition website.
You MUST use only the English alphabet and numeric (A-Z, 0-9) when submitting an entry. Don’t use special characters such as - _!? & @ İı Şş Ğğ Çç Ññ Õõ Àà Ää Ââ Éé Èè Êê Ëë Óó Òò Ŏŏ Öö Øø Ôô Ùù Ûû Üü ....
All images are to be submitted in JPEG format. It is recommended that images should use RGB Color Space. Smaller images are acceptable but will be projected smaller on the screen. Please check all image sizes before submission, images with sizes greater than specified will be rejected. The projection background is black, Please DO NOT fill empty space with/or add large borders. Any borders should be no greater than 3-5 pixels wide.
The Exhibition will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the FIAP & Salon.Photo.
An entrant’s images will not be presented to the judges consecutively. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging in that section. Distribution of images will be in the same round order as submitted by the entrant. At no stage will a judge be able to view all the entrant’s images together.
It will be Online Judging and the Salon Chairman will be responsible for all set-ups.
Award session will be done at the video conference by the jury viewing the images together.
Judges will be using equipment capable of displaying images at 100% of the image resolution.
The monitors will be color-calibrated for the judges during judging.
FIAP does not permit acceptances rates higher than 25%.
The jury's decision is final and it cannot be changed in any case.
By entering this exhibition, you are explicitly consenting to the personal details you have supplied, including physical addresses, email addresses, being held, processed and used by the exhibition organizers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to such information being sent to organizations that have accorded official recognition, patronage or accreditation to this exhibition. You acknowledge, agree and accept that by entering this exhibition, your participation status which includes your first and last name, name of the country used during registration at the exhibition, number of sections entered and number of photos entered in those sections will be made public in a published status list and that the results of your entry shall be made public in exhibition gallery, exhibition catalog. You also agree and accept the policies regarding Breaches of Rules of the FIAP.
By the sole act of submitting his/her images or files to a salon under FIAP Patronage, the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection the following terms:
- that the submitted images can be investigated by FIAP to establish if these obey to FIAP regulations and definitions even if the entrant is not a member of FIAP,
- that FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking,
- that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by FIAP,
- that in case of sanctions following the non-compliance with FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform the breaches of the rules.
IMPORTANT: Concerning digital entries, FIAP recommends that authors should preserve intact, with no alteration, the original metadata of images. In case of contestation for incompliance with FIAP regulations the fact of not being able to access this important data could mean that the author could be sanctioned.
Each author whose image shows any suspicions about the compliance with FIAP regulations or definitions can be requested by the organizer or by FIAP, to submit the original file (file containing the data recorded by the sensor, if so, the RAW file) plus the file of the image immediately before and immediately following the questionable image. If he/she failed to provide what is required, he can be sanctioned.
Persons who are found guilty of plagiarism are excluded lifelong from FIAP activities.
It is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted files intact in order to ease eventual investigations. If at any time, it is determined in the reasonable discretion of the exhibition organizer or the judges before, during, or after the judging of an exhibition that an entrant has submitted entries where one or more images may fail to comply with these Conditions of Entry, including the stated definitions, the exhibition organizers reserve the right to delete the entry from the exhibition and void any or all acceptances or awards in connection with the exhibition. Fees may be forfeited or refunded in these circumstances. The entrant acknowledges that the decision of the exhibition organizers or the judges is final.
FIAP NOTICE: “I hereby expressly agree to FIAP document 018/2017 « Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage » and FIAP document 033_2021 « Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list ». I am particularly aware of chapter II « Regulations for International photographic events under FIAP patronage » of FIAP document 018/2017, dealing under Section II.2 and II.3 with the FIAP participation rules, the sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list.”
Failure to agree will mean that the application will not proceed.